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New to Church

We realise that it can be a little intimidating to attend a new church, or even to come to church for the first time. So we really want you to feel that you are welcome here even if you are not sure if faith is for you – we are all on a journey. You may find this advice helpful regarding our services.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code, so come in casual clothes or surprise us with your best outfit.

Can I just turn up?

Yes please. There should be someone at the door to greet you, and you are welcome to sit anywhere, there are no reserved seats.

What are the services like?

We usually sing a mixture of well-known hymns with a few more recently written songs, to a piano accompaniment. You are free to join in or just listen.

We do not take a collection at our services as our regular congregation members contribute financially to the church. Therefore, we do not expect visitors to contribute. However, if visitors wish to leave a gift there are Offering bags by the doors.

As well as songs, there will be prayers to listen to and join in silently, a reading from the Bible and a talk about some aspect of the Bible or Christian living. In addition some services provide an opportunity to come forward for prayer for healing.

Each service lasts around an hour to an hour and a quarter. We usually stand to sing and sit at other times in the service, but if it is unclear the preacher will tell you what to do.

We welcome worshippers from all denominations or none, those who know exactly what they believe and those who are not so sure.